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Small 20 gram chlorine tablets
For use in a chlorine feeder or flaoting tablet dispenser
For swimming pools and spa hot tubs
1Kg Tub
Chlorine is a very popular sanitiser for pools and spa hot tubs and these Relax small chlorine tablets are designed for a chlorine feeder or small floating tablet dispenser.Regularly check chlorine levels with a test kit and maintain a level of chlorine between 2-3mg/l(ppm)If feeder or dispenser is low, top up with tablets-1Kg Tub-Small 20g chlorine tabletGeneral Precautions:Never mix with any other chemicals, including cleaning products, weedkillers and other chlorine products, as a dangerous reaction may occur.Aways handle products in a well ventilated area, preferably outdoors.Always wash hands thoroughly after handling pool chemicals.Store in a dry place, ensure chemicals do not become damp in storage.Instruction and dosages given are for a guide for most effective use.